- Ordered bases, order-preserving automorphisms and bi-orderable link groups (with Tommy Cai and Dale Rolfsen) 19 pages, submitted.
ArXiv link
- Order-detection, representation-detection, and applications to cable knots (with Junyu Lu) 46 pages, submitted.
ArXiv link
Research Publications
- Rigidity of braid group actions on R and of low-genus mapping class group actions on S^1 (with Idrissa Ba and Ty Ghaswala) 33 pages, to appear in Annales de L'Institut Fourier.
ArXiv link
- Graph manifolds that admit arbitrarily many Anosov flows (with Tali Pinsky) 20 pages, to appear in Mathematische Annalen.
ArXiv link
- Condensation and left-orderable groups (with Filippo Calderoni) 10 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the AMS Series B.
ArXiv link
- The Borel complexity of the space of left-orderings, low-dimensional topology, and dynamics (with Filippo Calderoni) 23 pages, to appear in Journal of the LMS.
ArXiv link
- Circular orderability of 3-manifold groups (with Idrissa Ba) 43 pages, to appear in Algebraic and Geometric Topology.
ArXiv link
- Order-detection of slopes on the boundaries of knot manifolds (with Steve Boyer), Groups, Geometry and Dynamics (18) 4 (2024), 1317–1348. Journal Link,
ArXiv link
- Cofinal elements and fractional Dehn twist coefficients (with Ty Ghaswala) International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2024, Issue 9, May 2024, 7401–7420.
Journal link, ArXiv link
- The number of locally invariant orderings of a group (with Idrissa Ba and Ian Thompson) Journal of Group Theory (2023).
Journal link,
ArXiv link
- A theorem of Mumford and Ramanujam for universal algebras (with R. Padmanabhan) Algebra Universalis (83) Article number:38 (2022).
Journal link
- Borel structures on the space of left-orderings (with Filippo Calderoni) Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (54) 1 (2022), 83-94.
Journal link,
ArXiv link.
- Circularly ordering direct products and the obstruction to left-orderability (with Ty Ghaswala), Pacific Journal of Mathematics (312) 2 (2021), 401–419.
Journal link,
ArXiv link.
- The space of circular orderings and semiconjugacy (with Idrissa Ba) Journal of Algebra (15) 586 (2021), 582-606.
Journal Link ,
ArXiv link.
- Promoting circular-orderability to left-orderability (with Jason Bell and Ty Ghaswala) Annales de l'Institut Fourier (1) 71 (2021), 175-201.
Journal Link ,
ArXiv link.
- Generalizations of the Burns-Hale theorem Communications in Algebra,(11) 48 (2020), 4846-4858.
Journal Link ,
ArXiv link.
- Dense orderings in the space of left-orderings of a group (with Tessa Reimer) Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (2) 63 (2020), 393-404.
Journal Link ,
ArXiv link.
- Free products of circularly ordered groups with amalgamated subgroup (with Ty Ghaswala) Journal of the London Mathematical Society (3) 100 (2019), 775-803
Journal Link ,
ArXiv link.
- On the number of circular orders on a group (with Cristóbal Rivas and Kathryn Mann) Journal of Algebra 504 (2018) 336-363.
Journal link,
ArXiv link.
- Foliations, orders, representations, L-spaces and graph manifolds (with Steve Boyer) Adv. Math. 310 (2017), 159-234.
Journal link,
ArXiv link.
- Automorphisms acting on the left-orderings of a bi-orderable group (with Sina Zabanfahm) New York Journal of Mathematics 23 (2017), 159-234.
Journal link,
ArXiv link.
- Ordered Groups and Topology (book with Dale Rolfsen) Graduate Studies in Mathematics. American Mathematical Society, Providence RI, 2016.
Publisher link,
ArXiv link.
- Testing bi-orderability of knot groups (with Colin Desmarais and Patrick Naylor) Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 59 (2016), 472-482.
Journal link,
ArXiv link.
- Left-orderability and exceptional Dehn surgery on two-bridge knots (with Masakazu Teragaito). Contemporary Mathematics, proceedings of the conference Geometry and Topology down under, 597 (2013) 225--233. ArXiv link
- Graph manifolds, left-orderability and amalgamation (with Liam Watson and Tye Lidman) Algebraic & Geometric Topology 13 (2013), 2347–2368.
Journal link,
ArXiv link
- Left-orderings and quotients of the braid groups, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 21, (2012) 9 pages.
Journal link
- Left-orderable fundamental groups and Dehn surgery, (with Liam Watson). International Mathematics Research Notices, (2012) 29 pages. Journal link, ArXiv link
- Ordered groups, eigenvalues, knots, surgery and L-spaces, (with Dale Rolfsen). Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. (2012), 152, 115--129. Journal link,
ArXiv link
- Free lattice-ordered groups and the space of left-orderings. Monatshefte für Mathematik (2012), 167(3-4), pp 417-430. Journal link
- On cabled knots, Dehn surgery, and left-orderable fundamental groups (with Liam Watson). Math. Res. Lett. 18 (2011), no. 06, 1085–1095. Journal link ,
ArXiv link
- Exotic left orderings of the free groups from the Dehornoy ordering. Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 84 (2011), 103–110 Journal link,
ArXiv link
- Isolated
points in the space of left orderings of a group, Groups, Geometry
and Dynamics Volume 4, Issue 3, 2010, pp. 517-532. Journal link,
ArXiv link
- A new
characterization of Conrad's property for group orderings, with
applications (By Andrès Navas and Cristóbal Rivas, my
contribution is the Appendix), Algebraic & Geometric Topology 9
(2009) 2079-2100. Journal link,
ArXiv link
- Corrigendum to "On ordering free groups" [J. Symbolic Comput. 40 (2005) 1285-1290] (with Lawrence H. Smith), Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol.
44, No. 10, October 2009, 1529-1532. Journal link
- Densely
ordered braid subgroups (with Dale Rolfsen), Journal of Knot
Theory and its Ramifications, Vol. 16 No. 7 869-877. Journal link,
ArXiv link
Unpublished and expository work
- Orderable groups and 3-manifolds Notes for a minicourse delivered in Georgia, July 23--28th 2023.
- Introduction to order structures on groups Notes for a minicourse delivered in Montreal, April 24--26th 2023.
- Left-orderability of 3-manifold fundamental groups (invited expository piece) CMS Notes 48 (2016) no. 2, 14-15.
Publisher link.
- Slope detection, foliations in graph manifolds, and L-spaces (with Steve Boyer, 2015) ArXiv link.
- Non-bi-orderability of knot groups from Dehn’s presentation(with Colin Desmarais)
- Orderable groups and topology minicourse, (notes from Santiago 2014 orderable groups workshop)
- Ordered groups and bundles (with Mathieu Anel, 2012) ArXiv link.